


Public Identifier

Each Gateway needs a unique Public Identifier which is used to form URLs for both the API and Developer Portal. For example, if you choose β€œalias” then the API is located at:

and Developer Portal is at:


To configure a Gateway, select an environment from the menu (Production or Integration). No need to configure the Sandbox environment - we do that automatically for you.

Communication Paths

Each Gateway requires an Authorisation URL and an API URL, both of which are configured in the Console:

❯ Authorisation URL

When a consent request is initiated by a Third Party Provider, the Account Holder is redirected to the Authorisation URL you have specified, with a ConsentId appended in the querystring. For example, if the Authorisation Service is located at:

then the Account Holder is redirected to:{ConsentId}&CallbackURL={CallbackURL}

This is explained in more detail in Development->Authorisation.


We will always attempt to redirect to your Authorisation URL on the device that the account holder is currently using. For example, if they are using a laptop and you have provided a web URL then they will be redirected to that URL on the browser of their laptop.

If you have provided the URL of a mobile app – e.g. beginning aliasbank:// rather than https:// – we will automatically detect that the redirect is not possible and instead present the account holder with a QR code on their laptop browser. They will be prompted to scan the QR code using a mobile device which has your app installed. Doing so will launch the app on that mobile device at the Authorisation URL (including ConsentId) location.


Integrator Note:

If you provide a user interface for Customers, the Authorisation URL should point to your application.

If a Customer provides their user interface,, the Authorisation URL should point to their application.


This is the location we will send API requests to when we have a valid consent in place.

This is explained in more in Development->Resources.


Integrator Note:

You can use a different URL for each Gateway (e.g., as a means of separating and identifying the Gateway application.

Or you can use a single URL for all Gateways (e.g. and rely on the contents of the API request from (x-api-key) to identify the Gateway.

Security Credentials

❯ Calling Tell APIs

In order to call our API, you will need to use a set of credentials specific to a Gateway and its environment. Please note that different credentials are required per Gateway. These can be found under the "Calling tell. APIs" tab.

❯ Calling Your APIs

When we calls your API to retrieve account information or initiate a payment, we will do so using the credentials in the "Calling Your APIs" tab. Please note that different credentials will be used per Gateway.

API Functionality

We support all mandatory APIs and endpoints but not all will be relevant to your business or to a particular Gateway. For example, if a product does not support Direct Debits then there is no need to enable the Get Direct Debit endpoint. You can switch each API and endpoint on and off in realtime as required, per Gateway.

Select Functionality from the menu and use the relevant tabs to configure as per below.

❯ Account Information Services

Select Account Information Services and enable or disable each endpoint to match those that you wish to support for a Gateway. Any changes are instantly deployed and reflected in the relevant Developer Portal. You will notice that some items cannot be disabled – these are mandatory endpoints required for compliance and technical purposes.

❯ Payment Initiation

If a Gateway is required to support Payment Initiation, enable this option. When enabled, you can configure which types of payments are supported.

❯ Confirmation of Funds

If a Gateway is required to support Confirmation of Funds, enable this option. When enabled you do not need to make any further selections as this entire API is either β€œon” or β€œoff”, with no other configuration necessary.


If you are unsure about which APIs and Operations you should be supporting, or have any other questions, feel free to contact our Professional Services team.